I joined The Monolith Deathcult as a session drummer in 2015 and remained as such within their ranks ever since. Their style of ‘supreme avant-garde death metal’ is definitely something else and a lot of fun to play. We did so on many club shows, festivals and mini tours throughout Europe. As of now, 2 albums with me on drums have been released and the third is in the making.
From Italy to Iceland; highlights on the road
Italy 2015
My first call of duty for the Deathcult was a double assault in Italy, March 2015. On the way to the airport, main song writer Michiel Dekker told me that their last show in Italy turned out disastrous, as the customs people had ripped out all the patch cables from their setup and plugged them back in randomly. Had they only found out about that BEFORE setting up on stage, in front of a thousand-or-so metal heads… Anyway, this time, after arriving at Milan airport, all equipment rolled down the luggage belt untouched and in good shape, only half a day later than us. So, we finally got our stuff and jumped in the van with a very anxious promoter (can’t blame him) and made it to the show 15 minutes before change over. Talking about baptism by fire. But, all equipment worked and we managed to put up a fairly good performance, so it was a win after all.
Greece, September 2016
There was a time when no ‘gate’ followed the name BATUSHKA. They had just released their debut album ‘Litourgiya’ on Season of Mist and went to the land of ruins and ancient history to promote it. The Monolith Deathcult had the pleasure to join them on this 2 show short run in Thessaloniki and Athens. Much can be said about the Greek but they sure know how to metal. No more words are needed, it’s all in the video.
Norway, February 2017
Remember Blastfest in Bergen? We don’t either. The festival got cancelled last-minute due to some discrepancies in the books. So in stead of a big festival show in Garage (RIP), we got to do a substitute performance with Blood Red Throne at Apollon record store. Since ‘V1: VERSVS’ was just about to launch, this was the perfect oppertunity for an exclusive listening session and meet & greet with The Monolith Deathcult. If you know the size of Apollon, you won’t be surprised that the place was packed. If you know the size of the stage, you know that a four piece metal band will barely fit, let alone put up a full on headbanging performance. Headstrong as TMDC is, the guys decided that we should do a hipster style sit-down show, and so we did. Funniest show ever.
Pic: Metalhead.it Pic: Metalhead.it
More pics at Metalhead.it
Graspop (BE), June 2017
This was my first really big festival show, performing the big tent in front of ~10.000 people. So the Graspop show was definitely a big highlight.
THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT holds the conviction that death metal has reached a ceiling in terms of speed. This is why The Monolith Deathcult has decided to broaden the genre by inserting previously ‘not done’ elements into the style, adding to the brutality and speed.
They don’t make artist-centred music and won’t gorge on technicalities only trained ears will hear and appreciate, see the audience banging their heads on the primeval forces of the pounding 4/4 beat and have set themselves the goal to broaden their extreme (death) metal with influences from techno/dance and industrial music, completed with Wagnerian classical pomposity.
All this is topped with an image of irony, black humour and bad taste, in combination with a morbid fascination for everything that is ‘wrong’.
Michiel Dekker – Guitar / Vox
Robin Kok – Bass / Vox
Carsten Altena – Lead Guitar / Orchestrations
Frank Schilperoort – (session) Drums
Links en rechts krijgen we ook te maken met een gedoseerd portie frisse groove geserveerd met afgemeten riffs die aan Pantera en Machine Head herinneren. Dat is een interessante invulling om de aandacht vast te houden. In de vorm van Fist Of Stalin is er ook nog een zeer dansbare compositie aanwez ff8 ig. Agressief en swingend tegelijk. Draai het op een Caraibisch themafeest en het is daggeren geblazen tot iedereen erbij neervalt. Alles op Vergelding klinkt als de spreekwoordelijke klok. De diversiteit aan geluiden en stijlen komen sterk uit de verf zonder de coherentie van het album geweld aam te doen. Na zes nummers is de reguliere pret voorbij en worden we nog getrakteerd op een tweetal livetracks. The Monolith Deathcult verrast op Vergelding in vergelijking met voorgaand werk niet. Wel levert het een album vol moddervette kwaliteit af.