Here’s a small selection of drum cam videos I made at recent shows and recording sessions. Visit the Skillpero Drums Youtube channel for more double bass & blast beat metal drumming videos.
Drum cam video of GOD DETHRONED drummer Frank Schilperoort playing “BOILING BLOOD”Boiling Blood” at Hedon, Zwolle, The Netherlands, October 23, 2024.
Some brutal black metal drumming going on with ERESKEGAL live in London on November 3rd, 2024.
Drum video of Frank Schilperoort with GOD DETHRONED, performing “The Spirit of Beelzebub” at The Academy in Dublin on the 14th of October, 2024.
God Dethroned – Asmodeus live drum cam video
God Dethroned – Rat Kingdom drum play-through video
Haliphron – Unidentified Mass (last 2 minutes) live drum cam video
Brutal death metalband DICTATED – “Lysso” drum play-through video by Frank Schilperoort.
Drum cam video of Frank Schilperoort playing “Poison Fog” with GOD DETHRONED, live at Obscene Extreme festival, July 18 2021.
Drum cover of GHOST BRIGADE – “Clawmaster” by Frank Schilperoort. Part of the full cover by Companions of the Storm.
INCANTATION live drum cam video “Rites of the Locust” by Drummers from Hell. Summer Dying Loud festival 2018.